Hong Kong RFID wireless machine to machine (M2M) and all telematics solutions including proprietary 433MHz, 900MHz, 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz radio modules; all backed by our technical support and development resources.
By transmitting millions of data transactions every day for leading global companies, our wireless M2M solutions are ideal for automotive, retail and ePOS, fleet management, healthcare, finance, security, asset management and many other industries. Our wireless M2M solution is widely used in all kind of industrial sensors, environmental sensors and communication devices.

Wireless Telemetry & Sensors System
Telematics Solution Provider

On Site MTR project
State-Of-The-Art Total Solution
Hong Kong RFID provides complete product development cycle from concept development through prototype validation and production ready stage. State of the art hardware, mechanical and software design for volume manufacturing and testing.Our expertise covers:
Sensor solution
Power solution
Network solution
Device Monitor and Control solution
Corrosion signal sensing
Stray current signal sensing
Whether you need to wirelessly enable or manage office equipment, factory production, medical monitors, commercial fleets or remote facilities, Hong Kong RFID delivers more value from your data.
"Best Selling 2.4GHz Wireless Modules"
2.4GHz is the most widely used license-free frequency, and is robust, reliable and cost effective for various applications. Our best selling 2.4GHz wireless module has the following features:
Low cost
Extremely low power consumption
Quick development and implementation
Numerous products employed our solution have been successfully commercialized, including temperature sensors, corrosion sensors, smart home appliances, wireless alarm, VIP active card reader and transponder, and queuing auto-pager device.
Please contact us for more technical details.