This SDK provides you everything needed for monitoring the environment. Embedded with temperature and moist sensors, our Tempcorder™ series are empowered to keep track of various environment data and supports real-time control. This is one of our Best Seller products.
[SDK-EMWF-Sen]Empress SDK-Wifi Reader & Sense Tag
- This SDK includes:
-1 x Empress™2.4GHz Active RFID Wifi Reader (P/N: HKRAR-EMWF)
-5 x Tempcorder™ Sense 2.4GHz Active Temperature Tag (P/N: HKRAT-TT02)
-1 x Tempcorder ™ Extreme 2.4GHz Active Temperature Tag (P/N: HKRAT-PT02)
-1 x Tempcorder ™ Moist 2.4GHz Active Moist Tag (P/N: HKRAT-TT02)
-1 x CD Disc with:
oXtractor™ – a ActiveX component for Software development, Full version
oDemo / Testing Program with .NET version source code
oUser Manual
Possible Applications:
-Attendance taking
-People tracking
-VIP identification and premium customer service
-Access control