Enable your product by NFC
Visit our nfc-shop.net for sample NFC tags and evaluation!

What is NFC?
Buy NFC tag?
Near field communication (NFC), is a revolutionary technology to many existing consumer products and electronic industries. It enables any NFC-equipped smartphone a magical power to interact with your traditional products, such as
Promotional aids and souvenirs
Consumer electronics
Greeting card, Toys and gifts
Premium goods
Gaming, Model and figures
Paints and Arts
There are various standards (types) of NFC. The deployment of NFC tags requires thorough understanding on RF basis. A good management of NFC tag can highly reduce the cost. Hong Kong RFID ltd offers NFC implementation and consultancy service as below:
Mobile App development
NFC label / tag design and customization
NFC reader modules and integration
Creative media and interactive elements
Link management, statistical tracking and analysis