One-Stop Asset Management Solution
RFID Asset Management System
Offers all the necessary software, hardware, and asset tags you need
Check & Track All Of Your Assets With Us

School Asset
Keep track on school propety & all other equipment
IT Asset
Insight to the full life cycle management of your IT assets
Different RFID solutions for Different business
Our team will listen to your enquires and and advise you on the most suitable solution. We hope we can help each of our customers to find their optimal AMS solution.
Select the appropriate RFID tag
With rich experience and knowledge in RFID technology, our team can help you to ease any difficulties on RFID, choose the tag that performs the best and customise the most suitable and precise tag choice for you.
Provide worldwide choices of RFID tag
With plenty experiences in RFID industry, we have built partnership with different RFID manufacturers over the world.
This enables us to offer you the closest RFID supply that fulfills your needs.
Choose the printing you want
In normal, most of RFID tag is only a piece of inlay with a white or transparent coating. Information is all stored inside the tag without showing on the surface.
However, we provide a flexible solution to our clients to customise their dedicated printing design.
Unique and Secure ID
Unique ID number will be generated automatically and assigned to each of your products to make them identifiable.
Each ID number will be stored in each RFID tag, which only authorised people can read or write the tag.
Hardware-Software Solution
Support you all the time
Thanks to numerous previous experience in helping different clients to build-up their RFID solution from zero, we are confident in providing our know-how to fully support any potential clients come from different industries.
Eligibility Study

Supplier netowrk


Tag Selection
To achieve accuracy, convenience and consistency throughout the whole asset management process, we offer you a total AMS solution ranging from product tagging to asset management system.


Comprehensive solution

Tracking and Extending life of surgical equipment and clinical asset

Critical Asset & Equipment
Increase Accountability & Eliminate Loss
Full insight & Detailed Report
Centralized platform to control all assets
Automated Check-in & Check-out functions
Easily track current location, current status, future schedule and history log of all assets
Create an asset register, take inventories, record maintenance, and track loan items

Fire Service Equipment
Assist in ensuring equipment in appropriate position and ready for use

Building Service Equipment
Connect every building equipment in construction world

Gas cylinder
Automated Gas cylinder Managment

Alternative system choice for you,
NFC provides you a convenient and easily-implemented AMS.
Simply embed an NFC tag into your product
Simple Implementation
Either use NFC-enabled smartphones or a standalone NFC reader to manage all your asset
Conveient to use
Available to combine with QR code to provide higjer flexibility
Applicable with other technology
NFC Asset Managment System
NFC tag requires low operation costs
& no requirement of special reader hardware


Reduce Waste

GPS Locating
Android & Web-enabled

Elminate Manual Checking
Multiple Output Format
Cloud Service
Increase Asset Accountability

Easy to Use

24/7 Access

Cost Effective
For more details......
For other information and enquires, Contact Us